By the way, I was thinking of titling my blog "Marisa's First Blog, and boy is she frightened - Ahhhhhh!" but I thought that perhaps this showed a little too much pessimism.
Frightened? I was, too - thinking that what I said in my posts would very likely be less than profound and possibly even (gasp) reflect poorly on my grasp of what "normal" and "smart" library employees should be writing about. So you learn to work with it ... and see the possiblities ... and use the tools to collaborate ... and develop your own voice. Go for it!
Frightened? I was, too - thinking that what I said in my posts would very likely be less than profound and possibly even (gasp) reflect poorly on my grasp of what "normal" and "smart" library employees should be writing about. So you learn to work with it ... and see the possiblities ... and use the tools to collaborate ... and develop your own voice. Go for it!